Supplementary Figures S1-S10 from Downregulation of the TGFβ Pseudoreceptor BAMBI in Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Enhances TGFβ Signaling and Invasion

Sebastian Marwitz, Sofia Depner,Dmytro Dvornikov, Ruth Merkle, Magdalena Szczygieł, Karin Müller-Decker,Philippe Lucarelli, Marvin Wäsch, Heimo Mairbäurl,Klaus F. Rabe,Christian Kugler,Ekkehard Vollmer,Martin Reck,Swetlana Scheufele, Maren Kröger,Ole Ammerpohl,Reiner Siebert,Torsten Goldmann,Ursula Klingmüller


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Activity of the TGF-beta pathway in tumor-free lung and lung cancer (S1); Validation of the microarray data for individual targets with qRT-PCR assay (S2); Expression of EMT-related proteins in human lung tumor tissues and tumor-free lung (S3); Secretion of TGF-beta and expression of the pathway components in NSCLC cell lines (S4); Activation of TGF-beta pathway members and expression of EMT markers in lung cancer cells with BAMBI reconstitution (S5); Verification of DNA methylation values determined by HumanMethylation450K BeadChip analysis by performing bisulfite pyrosequencing (S6); siRNA-mediated knockdown of BAMBI expression in A549 cell line enhances TGF-beta-induced signaling (S7); siRNA-mediated knockdown of BAMBI expression in the squamous cell carcinoma cell line SK-MES1 enhances TGF-beta-induced signaling (S8); Human alveolar epithelial cells type II (AECII) cells express low amount of SMAD3 (S9); GFP- and BAMBI-GFP-positive A549 cells are present in the mice lungs at the time of sacrifice (S10).

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