
Not Only Expansion: Proline Content and Density Also Induce Disordered Protein Conformation Compaction

Journal of Molecular Biology/Journal of molecular biology(2023)

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Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) adopt a wide array of different conformations that can be constrained by the presence of proline residues, which are frequently found in IDPs. To assess the effects of proline, we designed a series of peptides that differ with respect to the number of prolines in the sequence and their organization. Using high-resolution atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we found that accounting for whether the proline residues are clustered or isolated contributed significantly to explaining deviations in the experimentally-determined gyration radii of IDPs from the values expected based on the Flory scaling-law. By contrast, total proline content makes smaller contribution to explaining the effect of prolines on IDP conformation. Proline residues exhibit opposing effects depending on their organizational pattern in the IDP sequence. Clustered prolines (i.e., prolines with ≤2 intervening non-proline residues) result in expanded peptide conformations whereas isolated prolines (i.e., prolines with >2 intervening non-proline residues) impose compacted conformations. Clustered prolines were estimated to induce an expansion of ∼20% in IDP dimension (via formation of PPII structural elements) whereas isolated prolines were estimated to induce a compaction of ∼10% in IDP dimension (via the formation of backbone turns). This dual role of prolines provides a mechanism for conformational switching that does not rely on the kinetically much slower isomerization of cis proline to the trans form. Bioinformatic analysis demonstrates high populations of both isolated and clustered prolines and implementing them in coarse-grained molecular dynamics models illustrates that they improve the characterization of the conformational ensembles of IDPs.
intrinsically disordered proteins,proline,radius of gyration,cis-trans isomerization
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