
Exploring aerosol-cloud interactions over eastern China and its adjacent ocean using the WRF-SBM-MOSAIC model


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Abstract. This study aims to explore aerosol-cloud interaction over eastern China (EC) and its adjacent ocean (ECO) in boreal winter by coupling of a spectral-bin cloud microphysics (SBM) and an online aerosol module (MOSAIC) in WRF-Chem, with the support of four-dimensional data assimilation. The evaluation shows that assimilation has an overall positive impact on the simulation, and the coupling system reproduces the satellite-retrieved cloud parameters while exhibiting significantly improved simulation ability compared to the original SBM scheme as well as the bulk microphysical and MOSAIC coupling system. Differences in aerosol composition and physical processes lead to clear discrepancies in the aerosol-cloud interactions of EC and ECO during the simulation period. In EC with the gradual increase of aerosol number concentration (Naero), cloud droplet number concentration (Nd) first increases then decreases and fluctuates around 800 cm-3, while Nd in ECO increases faster initially, but soon its activation is suppressed by aerosol hygroscopicity and high activation threshold of numerous small particles, and almost no additional cloud droplets are produced. In terms of rapid adjustments, more bursty atmospheric supersaturation and lack of subsequent water cause cloud liquid water content (CLWC) in EC to increase explosively with Nd when there are few cloud droplets, but only maintains a low increase rate with further increasing Nd. ECO exhibits a fast increase in CLWC with Nd at high proportion of naturally emitted large aerosol particles, but its CLWC increase gradually stagnates as Nd increases. For non-precipitating clouds with less water content, CLWC in EC increases slowly with Nd, but can maintain a stable trend. While ECO, which relies mainly on large scale water and temperature variations to reach supersaturation, the increase in Nd leads to a decrease in CLWC.
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