
Influence of Visual Information on Sniffing Behavior in a Routinely Trichromatic Primate


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Most catarrhine primates are considered to be strongly visually oriented, obtaining information about conspecifics and their environment from a diversity of visual cues. Other sensory modalities may provide information that is redundant and/or complimentary to visual cues. When cues from multiple sensory modalities are available, these may reinforce or suppress each other, as shown in several taxa ranging from insects to humans. Here, we tested how the presence and ambiguity of visual information affect the use of olfactory cues when exploring food and non-food items in semi-free-ranging Barbary macaques at Affenberg Salem, Germany. We presented monkeys with pipes containing food (peanuts, popcorn), non-food (stones, feces), or no items in transparent or opaque containers and assessed whether animals looked, sniffed, and/or grabbed into the pipes depending on the visibility of the contents (experiment 1). Visual information had no robust effect on sniffing probability, but monkeys were more likely to sniff before any other form of inspection if the can was opaque than if it was transparent. Both visual and olfactory information affected, whether or not monkeys attempted to retrieve the items from the pipes, whereby monkeys showed an overall decrease in the propensity to grab after sniffing. Furthermore, we manipulated the visual appearance of familiar food items (popcorn) with food colorant (experiment 2), which resulted in substantially increased olfactory inspections compared to unmanipulated popcorn. Taken together, reliance on the olfactory sense was modulated by the available visual information, emphasizing the interplay between different sensory modalities for obtaining information about the environment. If taking a good look does not get you further, a sniff might do the job. Barbary macaques usually rely strongly on vision, but if visual information about items is absent or ambiguous, they revert to using olfaction sooner or more often when exploring items. When there is the chance that what you get is either tasty or disgusting, both visual and olfactory cues affect whether or not monkeys grab for the items.
Barbary macaques,food assessment,multimodal information,olfaction,vision
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