Development and Integration of dApp with blockchain smart contract Truffle Framework for user interactive applications

R Dhanvardini,Pa Martina, R Vijay,R Amirtharajan, Padmapriya Pravinkumar

2023 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)(2023)

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Websites and Web apps have become increasingly crucial over the past decade to daily life. Over the last ten years, websites have increased from three million to over 1.7 billion. Modern centralised digital marketplaces and enterprises provide consumers with an alternative method of selling and purchasing items conveniently. However, disadvantages among the marketplaces include the platform’s potential to arbitrarily block merchants, the fees associated with listing and selling products on the site, and the lack of user data privacy. In this, we propose and demonstrate a decentralised application that takes advantage of the Ethereum blockchain to address all these issues. The Truffle development framework was employed in the creation of the application. An Ethereum smart contract later migrated to the Ethereum network comprised the application’s features. The web3.js API (Application Program Interface) was used to send the user’s input to the Ethereum network after being received through a web interface. The users involved will be able to do transactions with the help of an interactive user interface. The interfacing is done using the Truffle framework, and the transactions are made through MetaMask, where ETH tokens are used. The dApp is created using JavaScript and React JS library. Thus, the integration of the blockchain and with front-end application by interfacing it with web 3.0 helps create a secured, immutable, trusted, and easy-to-use e-commerce website.
component,Blockchain,dAPP,ETH,web3,Truffle,Meta mask
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