EMB: A Curated Corpus of Web/Enterprise Applications And Library Support for Software Testing Research

2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)(2023)

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Web Services like REST, GraphQL and RPC APIs are widely used in industry. They form the backends of modern Cloud Applications. In recent years, there has been an increase interest in the research community about fuzzing web services. However, there is no clear, common benchmark in the literature that can be used for comparing techniques and ease experimentation. Even if nowadays it is not so difficult to find web services on open-source repositories such as GitHub, quite a bit of work might be required to setup databases and authentication information (e.g., hashed passwords). Furthermore, how to start and stop the applications might vary greatly among the different frameworks (e.g., Spring and DropWizard) used to implement such services. For all these reasons, since 2017 we have created and maintained a corpus of web services called EMB, together with all the tooling and configurations needed to run software testing experiments. Originally, EMB was created for evaluating the fuzzer EvoMaster, but it can be (and has been) used by other tools/researchers as well. This paper discusses how EMB is designed and how its libraries can be used to run experiments on these APIs. An introductory video for EMB can be currently accessed at https://youtu.be/wJs34ATgLEw
Benchmark,REST,GraphQL,RPC,API,Fuzzing,Test Generation
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