Indoor Performance Evaluation of LoRa® 2.4 GHz.


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LoRa® and LoRaWAN are one of the most common wireless technologies used today in the Internet of Things. If until now LoRa was strictly used in sub-GHz bands, a new version has been released for the 2.4 GHz band that does not have any duty cycle restrictions and that allows the use of higher datarates, which opens the door to the deployment of new applications (such as asset tracking or indoor localization). In this paper, we present the first extensive evaluation of LoRa 2.4 GHz in a typical indoor environment, both in the presence and lack of human and WiFi activities. We run an exhaustive evaluation of all 128 possible combinations of the different LoRa physical parameters (spreading factor, bandwidth and coding rate) and we show that despite the use of higher frequency, LoRa is capable of maintaining a good connectivity throughout the building, similar to what was observed in sub-GHz bands. Still, some configurations were clearly affected by the daily life activities in the building during the working hours of weekdays.
LoRa, 2.4 GHz, experiments, performance evaluation, indoor evaluation.
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