
Sustainability Evaluation of Chinese Capital Cities Based on Urban Geographic Environment Index.

Remote sensing(2023)

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Environmental assessments are important tasks for the long-term, sustainable development of cities. With the rapid urbanization in China, it is crucial to establish a City Sustainability Index (CSI) and evaluate the environmental conditions in major cities. However, most of the existing major sustainability indices/indicators are not able to assess cities at diverse levels of development using common axes of evaluation. In this work, we incorporate urban built-up areas extracted from high-resolution remote sensing images as indicators to measure the degree of urban development in city sustainability evaluation and propose a comprehensive index, i.e., the Urban Geographic Environment Index (UGEI). In order to eliminate the impact of urban development levels, UGEI mainly consists of area-averaged indices which are calculated from original indices and urban built-up areas. We adopt a comprehensive weighting method by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method to weigh the high-level indicators and using the entropy weighting method to weigh low-level indicators. We evaluate the environmental conditions of 30 China's provincial capitals from the aspects of pressure, state, response, and overall status. In addition, we analyze how diverse types of indicators affect the values of UGEIs. The major findings are as follows: (1) About half of the provincial capitals in China have poor sustainability in environmental conditions, and more environmental protection measures should be taken in developing cities; (2) the environmental conditions of the provincial capitals in China present a four-region distribution pattern, namely, the northeastern coastal region, northwest inland region, southwest region, and southeast region; (3) and indices based on urban built-up extents can be common axes of evaluation for cities at diverse levels of development. The proposed UGEI can serve as an effective and reliable index for sustainability evaluation in environmental conditions.
urban built-up area,urban sustainability index,urban geographic environment index,remote sensing,China
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