Small Temperature is All You Need for Differentiable Architecture Search.

PAKDD (1)(2023)

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Differentiable architecture search (DARTS) yields highly efficient gradient-based neural architecture search (NAS) by relaxing the discrete operation selection to optimize continuous architecture parameters that maps NAS from the discrete optimization to a continuous problem. DARTS then remaps the relaxed supernet back to the discrete space by one-off post-search pruning to obtain the final architecture (finalnet). Some emerging works argue that this remap is inherently prone to mismatch the network between training and evaluation which leads to performance discrepancy and even model collapse in extreme cases. We propose to close the gap between the relaxed supernet in training and the pruned finalnet in evaluation through utilizing small temperature to sparsify the continuous distribution in the training phase. To this end, we first formulate sparse-noisy softmax to get around gradient saturation. We then propose an exponential temperature schedule to better control the outbound distribution and elaborate an entropy-based adaptive scheme to finally achieve the enhancement. We conduct extensive experiments to verify the efficiency and efficacy of our method.
small temperature,architecture,search
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