A Secured Care Service System Using AES for Internet of Medical Things

2023 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Sciences and Technology (ICES&T)(2023)

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The long term care has been a great challenge in providing support to the affected ones in case of any physical or mental illness. People are more concerned in keeping the confidentiality and security during data transmission. This paper presents a secure system on the basis of Internet of Medical things (IoMT) for the provision of long term care. The system is designed to transmit the private information of resident to required one. The system works in three steps which include collection, encryption and transmission of data. First it will collect data from the patient, then it will encrypt the data on the basis of AES algorithm and finally secured transmission of data will take place to the concerned person. The decryption of encrypted data on the basis of AES algorithm results in the recovery of images after secure transmission.
Cyber Security,Secured Communication,Biomedical Applications,Internet of Medical Things,AES algorithm
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