Cross Reference of GDP Decrease with Nighttime Light Data via Remote Sensing Diagnosis


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Nighttime light data is a mainstay method in confirming and supporting other traditional economic data indicators, which in turn influence business and policy-making decisions. Accuracy in and clear definition of economic data and its related indicators are thus of great importance not only for analysis of urban development and related policies seeking sustainable development, but also plays a key role in whether or not these policies are successful. Discovering and recognizing the applications and limitations of nighttime light and other peripheral data could prove helpful in future data analysis and sustainable development policy. One possible limitation could exist in GDP decrease, and whether or not nighttime light would decrease accordingly, as most studies show nighttime light increase confirms economic growth, thus affecting the reliability of the data's correlation with economic data. This study utilizes nighttime light data in a cross-reference with GDP data during instances of global GDP shrinkage over the years of 2007-2017, split between 2007-2012 for the DMSP dataset and 2013-2017 for the VIIRs dataset. It seeks to establish through linear regression whether or not yearly average nighttime light data products show a positive correlation even during periods of economic decline, thereby providing a clearer understanding of the strengths and limitations of NTL as an economic validation indicator. Analysis shows that both years of global GDP decrease in turn also displayed global nighttime light decrease, in addition to linear regression giving satisfactory results pointing to a positive correlation over the timespan. The VIIRS data series resulted in higher regression coefficients, which is in line with the results of previous literature.
nighttime light data,remote sensing,gdp decrease
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