Prospective Observational Study of Prevalence, Assessment and Treatment of Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency in Patients with Inoperable Pancreatic Malignancy (PANcreatic Cancer Dietary Assessment-PanDA)


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Simple Summary In advanced pancreatic cancer, the majority of patients experience pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI), which can negatively impact nutritional status, quality of life and survival rates. Unfortunately, PEI is often diagnosed too late. The aim of our prospective observational study was to identify a screening panel that was simple to use in the outpatient setting, to identify patients that required more timely intervention with pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. The screening panel proposed is a simple tool that can be used in a clinical setting to identify patients at higher risk of PEI and needing prompt dietetic input. Introduction: Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer (aPC) is well documented, but there is no consensus regarding optimal screening. Methods and analysis: Patients diagnosed with aPC referred for palliative therapy were prospectively recruited. A full dietetic assessment (including Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC), handgrip and stair-climb test), nutritional blood panel, faecal elastase (FE-1) and C-13-mixed triglyceride breath tests were performed. Primary objective: prevalence of dietitian-assessed PEI (demographic cohort (De-ch)); design (diagnostic cohort (Di-ch)) and validation (follow-up cohort (Fol-ch)) of a PEI screening tool. Logistic and Cox regressions were used for statistical analysis. Results: Between 1 July 2018 and 30 October 2020, 112 patients were recruited (50 (De-ch), 25 (Di-ch) and 37 (Fol-ch)). Prevalence of PEI (De-ch) was 64.0% (flatus (84.0%), weight loss (84.0%), abdominal discomfort (50.0%) and steatorrhea (48.0%)). The derived PEI screening panel (Di-ch) included FE-1 (normal/missing (0 points); low (1 point)) and MUAC (normal/missing (>percentile 25) (0 points); low (2 points)) and identified patients at high-risk (2-3 total points) of PEI [vs. low-medium risk (0-1 total points)]. When patients from the De-ch and Di-ch were analysed together, those classified by the screening panel as "high-risk" had shorter overall survival (multivariable Hazard Ratio (mHR) 1.86 (95% CI 1.03-3.36); p-value 0.040). The screening panel was tested in the Fol-ch; 78.4% patients classified as "high-risk", of whom 89.6% had dietitian-confirmed PEI. The panel was feasible for use in clinical practice (64.8% patients completed all assessments), with high acceptability (87.5% would repeat it). Most patients (91.3%) recommended dietetic input for all patients with aPC. Conclusions: PEI is present in most patients with aPC; early dietetic input provides a holistic nutritional overview, including, but not limited to, PEI. This proposed screening panel may help to prioritise those at higher risk of PEI, requiring urgent dietitian input. Its prognostic role needs further validation.
pancreatic cancer dietary assessment,pancreatic exocrine insufficiency,pancreatic cancer,inoperable pancreatic malignancy
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