Anxious symptomatology in a sample of nursing students at University of Palermo


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BACKGROUND: University life and being a university student generally led to an environment where anxiety and stress are experienced. University years correspond to a period when the young turn into adults and in addition the university brings big changes for students' life. The aim of this study was to assess the severity of anxiety symptoms and examining the associated factors in a cohort of nursing students. METHODS: The present study employed a cross-sectional study design. In March 2020, a survey was provided to all nursing students at University of Palermo. The questionnaire was structured into two parts. The first section investigated on socio-demographic information. In the second part of the survey the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) test was adminis-tered. A multivariable logistic regression model was used, and adjusted odds ratios (aOR) are presented. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 525 students (70.3% female). That the probability a moderate-severe anxious symp-tomatology is significantly associated with the following variables: "female gender" (aOR 2.64), "low perceived health status" (aOR 2.69), "to be a smoker" (aOR 3.46) and "age as the unit increases" (aOR 1.07). CONCLUSIONS: Nursing care is one of the most sensitive, stressful, and stimulating jobs and requires a stable and calm mind. Thus, it is very important for university structures to develop programs with the aim of helping students acquire healthier ways of dealing with psychological distress.
anxious symptomatology,nursing students
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