A Controller Design Method for Drag-Free Spacecraft Multiple Loops With Frequency Domain Constraints
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems(2023)
Space-based gravitational wave detection requires a strict level of residual acceleration (similar to 10(-15) m/s(2)/root Hz in 0.1 mHz-1 Hz) on the test masses along the sensitive axes. Because of the configuration of the detection spacecraft with two test masses, there are complex couplings between different loops in the drag-free, and attitude control system. Moreover, the space environment disturbances and the limited noise levels of the actuators and sensors make it difficult to meet all the index requirements. Currently, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) and H-8 methods are mainly used for its controller design, where the system is decoupled into relatively independent loops, and the controllers are designed separately. However, parameter tuning usually requires empirical trial and error, leading to the low design efficiency. And the coupling relationships between loops cannot be well described and treated mathematically. Therefore, a controller design method for drag-free spacecraft multiple loops is proposed in this article, where the index requirements are transformed into frequency domain constraints and the optimization objectives are designed for better
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Attitude control,Space vehicles,Couplings,Frequency-domain analysis,Orbits,Laser noise,Indexes,Controller optimization,drag-free loops coupling control,gravitational wave (GW) detector,multipopulation genetic algorithm (MPGA)
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