
Compliance with First-Line AntiRetroViral Treatment (ART) for HIV Infection in the Era of Dolutegravir in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

World journal of AIDS(2023)

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Context: Two years after the transition to Dolutegravir (DTG), at the national level, data on compliance with the execution of this transition and the rational use of the new molecule are not available.Objective: The objective of this study was to determine compliance with first-line ART prescriptions among People Living with HIV starting AntiRetroViral treatment in Kinshasa during the Dolutegravir era.Methods: This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study to determine compliance with first-line ART prescriptions among people living with HIV during the Dolutegravir era in Kinshasa.Sixteen Outpatients Treatment Centers (OTCs) were included in the study for their expertise in the care of PLHIV, their technical collection platform and their accessibility.The parameters of interest were: age, sex, outpatient treatment centers, and medical prescription.Results: One hundred and nineteen (119) patients were included in this work in accordance with the inclusion criteria; 67 (56.3%) are female, giving a sex ratio of 1.29 in favor of women.The average age of the patients included is 39.87 ± 12.36 years with extremities of 18 to 69 years.The most represented age group is that of 36 to 45 years with 37 patients (31.9%).One hundred and nineteen (119) patients were received from 16 centers in How to cite this paper:
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