Spatial Attention Deep Convolution Neural Network for Call Recognition of Marine Mammal

Honghui Yang, Yining Huang,Yuqi Liu

Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Autonomous Unmanned Systems (ICAUS 2022)Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering(2023)

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Aiming at the task of call recognition of marine mammal, the time-frequency effective feature spatial focus method is proposed. The method tends to use Spatial Attention (SA) to help Deep Convolution Neural Network (DCNN) reach better recognition performance. The Time-Frequency Image Recognition_DCNN (TFIR_DCNN) of the method is designed first. The proposed network realizes the recognition task with time-frequency images of the calls as input. Features of time-frequency image contain the noise features and the call features. Then, to help TFIR_DCNN focus on the spatial position of the call features in time and frequency domain, the SA is added to TFIR_DCNN. SA can generate and multiply weight tensor to the feature maps so the features of the call are emphasized on spatial to help TFIR_DCNN recognizing. The paper designs a call recognition of marine mammal experiment. In the experiment, model from the proposed method achieves 66.14% in recall, 73.55% in precision, 66.14% in accuracy, 69.95% in F1-score and gets 5.29% in recall, 10.01% in precision, 5.29% in accuracy, 7.48% in F1-score higher than the control model.
Spatial attention, Deep convolution neural network, Call recognition of marine mammal marine
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