
1698. Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of Epetraborole, a Novel Bacterial Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase Inhibitor, and High Intracellular Penetration in the Intracellular Hollow Fiber System Model of Mycobacterium avium Complex Lung Disease

Open Forum Infectious Diseases(2022)

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Abstract Background Epetraborole (EBO) is a boron-containing, oral inhibitor of bacterial leucyl-tRNA synthetase, an essential enzyme in protein synthesis; EBO demonstrates potent activity against nontuberculous mycobacteria. Dose-effect studies in the intracellular hollow fiber system model of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) lung disease, or HFS-MAC, have demonstrated that EBO is highly bactericidal. In this study we used dose fractionation in the HFS-MAC system to find the best pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) index that was associated with EBO microbial kill and acquired microbial resistance (AMR). Methods A dose-fractionation design was used to dose 30 HFS-MAC units. ED20, ED50 and ED80 doses were administered as one of 4 dose schedules of twice daily, once daily, twice weekly, or once weekly at a half-life of 10.4h. Total MAC burden and EBO-resistant MAC burden were determined every 7 days by culturing HFS-MAC contents on Middlebrook 7H10 agar. For drug concentrations, the central compartment of each HFS-MAC unit was sampled throughout the 28 days, and after the final dose, intracellular (IC) PK in the MAC-infected monocytes were established. EBO PK/PD index parameters including 0-168h area under the concentrations-time curve (AUC0-168), peak concentration, or % of time concentration persists above the intracellular MIC (%TMIC), which was 0.5 mg/L, were modeled versus total MAC burden using the inhibitory sigmoid maximal effect (Emax) model. The PK/PD index was chosen using Akaike Information Criteria (AIC). For AMR, EBO PK/PD index exposure value versus EBO-resistant MAC burden were modeled using a quadratic function, and the best model was chosen using AIC. Results The measured EBO concentrations demonstrated PKs shown in Figure 1. The median EBO IC versus extracellular (IC/EC) elimination rate constants were 0.018h-1 versus 0.061h-1 (p< 0.0001), which means slower IC EBO elimination, leading to IC/EC to AUC ratio of 11. Based on AIC scores in Table 1, the PK/PD driver for microbial kill was unequivocally AUC on each sampling day. For AMR the PK/PD driver was also AUC. Table 1.Corrected Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) Scores for PK/PD Indicesa-The intracellular EBO MIC was 0.5 mg/LFigure 1.Epetraborole concentrations achieved in the HFS-MAC during the 168-hour dosing interval. Epetraborole concentrations were measured for each of the four dosing schedules, and are shown together with compartmental pharmacokinetics modeling during the 168-hour dosing interval. A. Twice a day dosing. B. Once a day dosing. C. Once every 3.5 days. D. Once every 7 days. Conclusion The PK/PD index best associated with EBO microbial kill and AMR was AUC. Disclosures Shruti Athale, PhD, Praedicare Inc.: Stocks/Bonds Moti Chapagain, MD, PhD, Praedicare Inc.: Stocks/Bonds Jotam Pasipanodya, MD, PhD, Praedicare Inc.: Employee MRK Alley, PhD, ABBOTT LABS: Stocks/Bonds|ABBVIE: Stocks/Bonds|AN2 Therapeutics: Author on epetraborole patent|AN2 Therapeutics: Salary|AN2 Therapeutics: Ownership Interest|AVANOS MED INC: Stocks/Bonds|NABRIVA THERAPEUTICS PLC: Stocks/Bonds|NOVARTIS AG: Stocks/Bonds Tawanda Gumbo, MD, Hydronium Biopharma: Ownership Interest|Hydronium Biopharma: Stocks/Bonds|Praedicare Africa Pvt Ltd: Board Member|Praedicare Africa Pvt Ltd: Ownership Interest|Praedicare Africa Pvt Ltd: Stocks/Bonds|Praedicare Inc.: Patents|Praedicare Inc.: Ownership Interest|Praedicare Inc.: Stocks/Bonds.
<i>mycobacterium avium complex</i>,epetraborole,pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics,leucyl-trna
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