Intraguild Prey Served as Alternative Prey for Intraguild Predators in a Reciprocal Predator Guild between Neoseiulus Barkeri and Scolothrips Takahashii

SSRN Electronic Journal(2023)

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The predatory mites (Hughes) and the predatory thrips (Priesner) are known as potential biocontrol agents for the two-spotted spider mite (Koch). These two predator species occur simultaneously on crops in agricultural ecosystems and are proved to be involved in life-stage specific intraguild predation. The intraguild prey may play a role in securing the persistence of the intraguild predators during food shortage periods. To understand the potential of intraguild prey as food source for intraguild predators in the and guild at low densities, the survival, development and reproduction of both predators was determined when fed on heterospecific predators. The choice tests were conducted to determine the preference of the intraguild predator between the intraguild prey and the shared prey. Results showed that 53.3% and 60% juveniles successfully developed when fed on heterospecific predators. Female intraguild predators of both species fed on intraguild prey survived and laid eggs throughout the experiment. In the choice test, both intraguild predator species preferred their extraguild prey . This study suggested that intraguild prey served as an alternative prey for intraguild predators prolonged survival and ensured the reproduction of intraguild predators during food shortage, ultimately decreasing the need for the continual release of the predators.
intraguild predators,alternative prey,reciprocal predators intraguild,neoseiulus barkeri
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