
National technology management

National Technology Initiative: Social Reflections and Türkiye's Future(2022)

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Technology management is the planning, organization, coordination and supervision of the development and implementation of technological capabilities that will enable an organization to shape and achieve its strategic and operational goals. In the age of increasing competition and an unbalanced world, successful, efficient and strategic technology management is necessary for organizations to survive. An important aspect of technology management is technological learning, which is the process of internalizing technological capabilities. By imitating the technology obtained from developed countries through technology transfer, new products are produced, the ability to make changes in existing technologies within the technological learning process with the acquired technology is gained, and it is aimed to gain the ability to produce technology on their own. Organizations must include knowledge management activities and the increasing power of information technologies in this process. In order to support the decisions of the future today, companies should be able to foresee technologies in line with the needs and innovations that may arise in the future through technology forecasting which can be defined as predicting the future of the elements affected by technology by analyzing all the knowledge, expertise and approaches available from the past to the present and creating policies related to it. Correctly incorporating these predictions into technology transfer processes will provide unpredictable benefits and power to both themselves and their countries in the future. We continue our efforts to use technology management as a management multiplier for HAVELSAN to achieve its strategic goals, with increasing corporate support.
Technology management,Technology learning,Technology foresight,Technology acquisition,Technology transfer,Technology intelligence
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