
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles stabilized with Succinic Acid (AgNPs/SA) and optimization with response surface methodology to investigate synergistic effect with antibiotics


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Abstract Optimization of silver nanoparticles with response surface methodology is carried out. Silver particles were produced by reduction of silver ions. Silver nanoparticles were encapsulating for stabilization by Succinic acid. These succinic acid embedded silver nanoparticles in combination with fluoroquinolones and macrolides based antibiotic, to study synergetic effect on strain of K.pneumonea bacteria. Three experimental constraints were selected as independent variables; AgNO3 concentration, concentration of stabilizer and stirring time to obtain results. For maximum absorbance of stabilized AgNPs three independent variables were linked together as a well-designed relationship in a selected quadratic model. After the experiment, it was observed that out of three tested parameters (AgNO3, concentration of Stabilizer and stirring time), all factors played vital roles in getting the desired outcomes. Characterization was carried out by UV/Vis spectrophotometer, FT-IR, SEM, DLS and zetasizer. Response surface methodology (RSM) approach was adopted to conclude the impacts of experimental parameters on production and stabilization of AgNPs. UV/Visible indicated a narrow and sharp surface plasmon resonance band (SPR-band) at 400 nm, FT-IR has given a clear drift in frequency the carbonyl 1697 cm-1 shifted 1631 cm-1. SEM image shown spherical-like nanoparticles. The size distribution studied with DLS technique and Zeta potential showed it has relatively narrow size distribution and the z-average diameter of 121.2 nm with low poly dispersity index (PDI) of 0.381. According to RSM, AgNO3 concentration significantly influenced the size of AgNPs/SA.
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