ExoMars – WISDOM Field-Test Data Processed with Automatic Pipeline

Dirk Plettemeier,Wolf-Stefan Benedix,Sebastian Hegler, Ronny Hahnel,Christoph Statz,Yun Lu,Valérie Ciarletti, Emile Brighi,Alice Le Gall, Issa Sall, Esther Mas, Aleksey Shestov


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<p>The ExoMars Rover instrument WISDOM (&#8220;Water Ice and Subsurface Deposit Observations on Mars&#8221;) is a ground penetrating radar (GPR) designed to investigate the shallow subsurface of Oxia Planum, the ExoMars mission&#8217;s designated landing site. Using a frequency range from 0.5&#8201;GHz to 3.0&#8201;GHz the electromagnetic waves penetrate the subsurface via a wideband antenna assembly. The achieved penetration depth is at least three meters, with a depth resolution of a few centimeters. The dual-polarimetric design of the antenna allows to measure four different channels during probing the Mars soil.</p> <p>The WISDOM radar will give access to the geological structure, electromagnetic nature, and possibly hydrological state of the shallow subsurface by retrieving the layering and properties of the buried reflectors. A short-term subsurface analysis will support the tight schedules of the rover operations both for science and drill operations in finding places of high scientific interest and low risk.</p> <p>In order to achieve these short times for decision making the incoming data at the remote operation control center (ROCC) will be automatically processed through a predefined pipeline. The processing is written in Python, which uses a self-developed framework. The basic process consists of a chain of filters that produces several radargrams at different states of processing. Further, it prepares the data for storage in PDS4 format for long-term archiving.</p> <p>In this work, automatic processing is introduced and results of processed measurement data acquired during a WISDOM field test in Svalbard are presented.</p>
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