Plasma parameters inside the cometopause of comet 67P-Churyumov/Gerasimenko

Hayley Williamson,Gabriella Stenberg Wieser,Hans Nilsson, Anja Moeslinger, Martin Wieser, Romain Canu-Blot


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<p>Inside the cometopause of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, where cometary ions dominate the ionosphere, is a region of great interest for studying the mass loading of the solar wind. The Rosetta Ion Composition Analyzer (ICA) observed both cometary and solar wind ions in this region during Rosetta&#8217;s two year mission orbiting comet 67P. Analysis of this data is complicated by instrumental and spacecraft effects on low energy cometary ion data, which comprises the bulk of the plasma. Recent work has been able to correct the ICA ion distributions for these effects and retrieve low energy ion Maxwellian temperatures and velocities, showing both a cold (< 1 eV) newly ionized plasma and higher energy, warmer pickup ions. Here, we present the varying cometary and solar wind ion temperatures inside the cometopause, with discussion of the causes for the changes in velocity and temperature throughout the time periods studied. In particular, pickup ion distributions vary significantly, from distributions similar to the newly ionized plasma at higher energies to one that decays exponentially with energy. Further, we calculate thermal and dynamic pressures of the cometary and solar wind ions using the retrieved temperatures and velocities, allowing us to analyze the pressure balance between the different plasma components.&#160;</p>
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