
Investigating Ventilation and Saturation Dynamics in the Arctic Ocean Using Noble Gas Tracer Techniques


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Timescales of ventilation of the Arctic Ocean are still only poorly known. The commonly used tracers for ocean ventilation studies like CFCs and SF6 are limited to young water masses that are either close to the surface or in highly ventilated deep waters. The radioisotope 39Ar with its half-life of 269 years covers time scales of 50 to 1000 years, perfectly suitable to investigate ventilation timescales of deep and intermediate water masses within the Arctic Ocean. The new measurement technique called Argon Trap Trace Analysis (ArTTA) only requires samples sizes of a few liters of ocean water, instead of the previous low-level counting method, which required about 1000 liters of water. The benefit for ocean studies is evident, much more samples can be taken during one cruise if ArTTA is applied. This enables a better resolution of the water column in great depths at the desired sampling location in the Arctic Ocean. Combined with the additional data of the CFC-12 and SF6 measurements, ventilation timescales of the complete water column from surface to bottom are obtained by constraining transit time distributions via this multi-tracer approach.Another focus of this study is the saturation of all gaseous transient tracers. It is determined by surface conditions as well as interior mixing processes. Measurements of stable noble gas isotopes (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) are used to determine possible saturation anomalies that arise during air bubble dissolution, rapid cooling and subduction, or ice formation and subsequent interior mixing of water masses. These saturation distortions for different boundary conditions are of key importance to correct the input function for gas tracers in the Arctic Ocean and hence to constrain the ventilation timescales. The uncertainty of the age distributions will be reduced, and ocean circulation models can be improved.This contribution presents first stable and radioactive noble gas results of the project Ventilation and Anthropogenic Carbon in the Arctic Ocean (VACAO), which is part of the Synoptic Arctic Survey carried out in summer 2021 on the Swedish icebreaker Oden.
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