
Lateglacial to interglacial sediment infills in Alpine valleys: timing, sediment provenance and paleo-environmental conditions 


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<p>Glacial/interglacial transitions in mountainous areas are marked by significant glacier retreat from forelands to inner massifs, resulting in large-scale and ephemeral lake formation that are subsequently filled (or not) by sediment transfer during lateglacial to postglacial times. When valley paleo-infills are preserved, they form precious archives to investigate (1) Alpine erosion dynamics and paleo-environmental conditions during key transition periods from full glacial stages to interglacials, and (2) glacial erosion patterns during susbequent glaciation.</p> <p>In this contribution, we investigate such sedimentary deposits (locally called as "banquettes") in the French western Alps, and more precisely along the Is&#232;re valley and Val du Bourget. Previous research have attributed these deposits to the Riss &#8211; W&#252;rm transition due to their position under a basal compact till and to the MIS 6/5 transition up to early MIS 4 from palynological constraints, although no absolute ages has been available so far. Based on existing mapping of their spatial distribution and stratigraphic reconstructions, we sampled coarse-sand and sandy-gravel layers within these deposits for constraining both sediment deposition time (OSL dating) and provenance (glacial/postglacial origin, using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide TCN <sup>10</sup>Be in quartz). In addition, their spatial distribution provides estimates of maximum glacial erosion during the last glacial cycle, which can be subsequently used as spatial constraints for ice model predictions.</p> <p>Our results confirm deposition times of these sedimentary units at the MIS 6/5 transition, with dating constraints from the late MIS 6 (ca. 145 ka) to the early MIS 5 (Eemien, 115-130 ka) for sandy layers. Upper sandy-gravel layers have younger deposition ages of ca. 80 ka, illustrating sediment fluxes at the transition from late MIS 5 to early MIS 4. We compare this temporal sequence to more recent sediment infills of the Is&#232;re valley (<sup>14</sup>C and OSL dating) during the Lateglacial to Holocene (MIS 2/1) transition. TCN data from sand samples also illustrate the sharp transition from full glacial to interglacial conditions, with a significant increase in <sup>10</sup>Be concentrations from Lateglacial to post-glacial sediments. We propose that the observed signal can reflect changes in erosion rates, but also in glacier expansion or in paleo-environmental conditions, with export of stored subglacial sediments as well as the re-establishment of sediment/soil production and transfer along the catchment routing system following glacier retreat.</p>
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