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Characterization of Thunderstorm Cells Producing Observable Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes


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<p>We present the largest catalogue compiled to date of TGFs and associated lightning activity, geostationary satellite cloud images and ERA5 reanalysis data. The TGFs are observed from AGILE, ASIM, FERMI and RHESSI, and the lightning activity by the WWLLN and GLD360 networks. The 1582 TGF events identified are analysed and contextualized relative to lightning flashes. In our analysis, we consider the proportion of TGFs and lightning coming from overshooting tops, and the dependencies on Cloud Top Temperature (CTT) and the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE). <span lang="en-GB">We find </span>that TGFs come from primarily higher cloud tops than lightning flashes<span lang="en-GB">, </span>consistent with previous studies. <span lang="en-GB">W</span>e <span lang="en-GB">also </span>find that CAPE is similar for TGF and lightning-producing cells<span lang="en-GB">,</span> and that the proportion of TGF and lightning-producing cells in the overshooting phase <span lang="en-GB">are similar</span>. We analyse the regional and seasonal differences between TGFs and lightning and see that regional meteorological effects dominate<span lang="en-GB">.</span></p>
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