
Counter Agronomic Systems and Maize Seed Vigour

Contemporary Agriculture(2022)

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Summary The quality and provenance of seed are of exceptional importance for the production and yield of cultivated plants. There are numerous tests for determination of seed vigour. The seed accelerated ageing test is one of the most important tests that provide determination of the degree of germination preservation and the seed longevity in storages. The aim of this study was to observe the effect of different production methods – organic and conventional – on seed vigour of maize (variety Rumenka), using the seed accelerated ageing test. Maize seeds were exposed to double stress conditions (temperature of 45 °C, air humidity of 100%) for 72h. Maize seed germination was determined by the standard germination test and was expressed as a percentage. The results of vigour of maize seeds organically produced indicated that the application of the seed accelerated ageing test increased the first count (78.5%) in relation to the standard germination test (70.75%), and a significantly higher percentage of nongerminated seeds (10.25%) were recorded. Furthermore, the radicle length decreased (120.75 mm), while the length of the seedling above-ground part (117.13 mm) and fresh weight (4.56 g) increased. In maize seeds conventionally produced, the first count and germination were higher (41.5% and 46.25%, respectively) after the application of the seed accelerated ageing test, while the percentage of nongerminated seeds were higher (38.75%). In addition, the length (105.88 mm) and fresh weight (4.43 g) of the seedling above-ground part decreased, while the values of the radicle length (137.5 mm), fresh weight (2.39 mm) and dry weight (0.28 mm) as well as dry weight of above-ground parts of seedlings (0.31 g) were higher than after the application of the standard laboratory method (127.88 mm, 1.89 g, 0.17 mm and 0.31 g, respectively).
vigour,organic production,conventional production,maize seed
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