
Laser ablation tree-ring δ13C for estimating intra-seasonal intrinsic water-use effificiency


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<p>Intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) is a key index for evaluating carbon and water balance of terrestrial ecosystems. A common approach to estimate iWUE is via measuring tree-ring stable carbon isotope composition (&#948;<sup>13</sup>C), which has been widely applied at annual resolution, but rarely at high-resolution intra-seasonal scale. In this study, we examined the reliability and accuracy of tree-ring &#948;<sup>13</sup>C in estimating intra-seasonal iWUE (iWUE<sub>iso</sub>), with the aid of laser ablation IRMS analysis of tree-rings, by comparing iWUE<sub>iso</sub> with iWUE derived from leaf gas exchange (iWUE<sub>gas</sub>) and eddy covariance (iWUE<sub>EC</sub>) data for two <em>Pinus</em> <em>sylvestris </em>L. dominated boreal forests from 2002 to 2019. By carefully timing iWUE<sub>iso</sub> via modelled yearly tree-ring growth, intra-seasonal variability of iWUE<sub>iso</sub> aligned well with that of iWUE<sub>gas</sub> and iWUE<sub>EC</sub>. However, absolute values of iWUE<sub>iso</sub> were apparently higher than that of iWUE<sub>gas</sub> and iWUE<sub>EC</sub>, which could be ascribed to post-photosynthetic <sup>13</sup>C-enrichment from leaf assimilates to tree-rings and to nonexplicit inclusion of mesophyll and photorespiration terms in iWUE<sub>iso</sub> estimation. These two factors overestimated iWUE<sub>iso</sub> by up to 11% and 14%, respectively. Our study demonstrates that tree-ring &#948;<sup>13</sup>C data can be used to trace intra-seasonal variability of iWUE, and thus provides a valuable tool for detecting short-term dynamics in carbon and water trade for areas and periods with no instrumental data. We encourage more comparisons between iWUE<sub>gas</sub>, iWUE<sub>iso</sub> and iWUE<sub>EC</sub>, which can deepen our understanding of how trees physiologically adapt to climate change across leaf, tree and ecosystem levels.</p>
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