Analytical framework to model seismic signals from fluid particle collisions in hydrodynamic simulations of glacier melt water


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<p>We present an analytic framework to model seismic body waves due to supraglacial, englacial or subglacial flows in solid ice based on a smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulation. Consisting of two parts, i) hydrodynamic modelling and ii) seismic wave propagation, the flexible framework allows for a pre-existing fluid simulation to be supplied to generate synthetic seismic signals. The field of glacier-related seismology has seen rapid development in recent years, with an expanded availability of passive seismic datasets that contain records of seismic disturbances generated by glacier processes. Some of these processes, such as basal slip and crevasse propagation, have mechanisms with plate tectonic deformation counterparts, however, many glacier signals are generated by moving melt water. This contribution aims to inform the interpretation of such signals.</p> <p>Our approach tracks the trajectories of fluid particles near the water-ice interface, as recorded in standard simulation outputs, to create a catalogue describing the energetics of each collision. We illustrate the capability of this framework using four end-member cases of water flow along surface channels with different geometries. Seismic signals are simulated at a variety of locations around the channel based on the impulse of the database of simulated collisions. We consider the change in character of the seismic waveforms by modelling frequency-dependent attenuation and weak dispersion in the glacial ice, in addition to the standard geometric spreading. The acceleration time series produced in this work are invariant to the temporal and spatial resolution of the hydrodynamic simulation, provided more than some minimum resolution is used. These time series may be converted to velocity or displacement for comparison with observed seismic signals.</p> <p>Investigating the seismic waves generated for our four channel geometries, we find distinct waveform envelope shapes with different first and later amplitude peaks matching initial and subsequent collisions of the melt water surge with the supraglacial channel walls. The change in waveform character with distance is also captured such that the character attributes due to the process and the those due to the propagation effects may be understood. The flexibility inherent in the model framework will allow for the generation of the seismic signals from simulations of a variety of different water flow geometries including simple 3D channels into and through a glacier. We make the code available as an open source resource for the polar geophysics community with the aim of adding to the toolbox of available approaches to inform the potential future seismic monitoring of melt water movement and related glacier processes.</p>
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