Tropical precipitation biases in nextGEMS storm-resolving Earth System Models


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<p>Global Earth System Models at storm-resolving resolutions (SR-ESM, with horizontal resolutions of ~4km) are being developed as part of the nextGEMS collaborative European EU&#8217;s Horizon 2020 programme. Through breakthroughs in simulation realism, these models will eventually allow us to understand and reliably quantify how the climate will change on a global and regional scale, and how the weather, including its extreme events, will look like in the future.</p> <p>As part of the Storms & Ocean theme, we are exploring how resolving convective storms, ocean mesoscale eddies, and air-sea interaction on these scales influences the development of tropical SST anomalies and their influence on the mean climate (ITCZ and circulation biases) and its variability. Existing biases in the SR-ESM simulations in the first two development cycles are interpreted using the vertically integrated atmospheric energy budget to disentangle local and remote influences on tropical precipitation. More specifically, these biases are decomposed in hemispherically symmetric and antisymmetric components, which are linked, respectively, to biases in the atmospheric net energy input near the equator (tropical SST biases, low level clouds, etc) and to the cross-equatorial atmospheric energy flux (driven by inter-hemispheric contrast in net energy input, for instance biases in clouds in the southern ocean). We also explore the role that transient eddies, both of extratropical and tropical origin that are usually neglected in this framework, play in the global energetics and tropical precipitation patterns.</p>
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