
Model Biases in the AMOC Stability Indicator


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<p>The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is considered to be&#160;a multi-stable system with a northward overturning and a southward overturning circulation state.&#160;It has been proposed that the stability of the AMOC system can be represented through the net freshwater transport at 34&#176;S (the Atlantic's southern boundary), the so-called&#160;F<sub>ov</sub> index. For example when AMOC transports net freshwater out of the Atlantic sector at 34&#176;S (F<sub>ov</sub> < 0),&#160;freshwater (i.e., salinity) perturbations may grow over time through the salt-advection feedback which eventually can induce a state transition.&#160;Present-day observations indicate that F<sub>ov</sub> is negative and &#160;hence the present-day AMOC is in its multi-stable regime.</p> <p>AMOC state transitions have regional and global impacts and it is therefore important to study the&#160;AMOC stability under climate change.&#160;However, most climate models have a tendency of simulating a positive F<sub>ov&#160;</sub>index, implying that the AMOC is too stable in these climate model simulations.&#160;Here we analyse F<sub>ov</sub>-related biases using a high-resolution and a low-resolution model version of the Community Earth System Model (CESM).&#160;Under constant pre-industrial conditions, the F<sub>ov</sub> index drifts from negative values to positive values over a 300-year simulation period.&#160;The F<sub>ov</sub> biases are related to biases in the E-P fluxes, freshwater runoff from Greenland, Agulhas leakage, Southern Ocean deep convection and the (meridional) location of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current front.&#160;These numerous processes contributing to F<sub>ov</sub> are responsible the&#160;difficulty in simulating realistic AMOC behaviour in climate model simulations.&#160;The implication is that climate models with an inconsistent F<sub>ov</sub> index&#160;are not fit for purpose in making AMOC projections.</p>
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