Intrastromal Corneal Glass Foreign Body in a Case of Spectacle Glass Injury

Suwarna Suman,Arushi Kumar, Hemant Uttamrao Rathod, Virendra K. Pal

Asian Journal of Medicine and Health(2023)

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Spectacle-related glass foreign body eye injury is commonly associated with sports activities and a significant contributor to penetrating eye injury. Optically clear glass particles may easily be missed during the examination. We present a case of intrastromal glass foreign body embedded in superficial layers of corneal stroma associated with sports-related spectacle injury in a 21-year male. There were multiple superficial lacerations and multiple small glass fragments on the surface of the cornea. After the removal of glass fragments under a slit lamp, the eye was washed thoroughly and patched with antibiotic and cycloplegic eye drops for twenty-four hours. However, the next day we could detect a small intrastromal glass fragment in the superficial layers of the corneal stroma under slit-lamp examination with high magnification. A small piece of glass (1mm in length) was removed under topical anaesthesia.
spectacle glass injury
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