Role of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging

Avinash Kumar Sharma, Pranav Kumar Tripathi, Sushant Sharma

Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical PracticeAdvancements in Bio-Medical Image Processing and Authentication in Telemedicine(2023)

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A trendy technique based on computer science called artificial intelligence (AI) creates software and algorithms to make machines smart and effective at carrying out activities that often call for expert human intellect. Machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), traditional neural networks, fuzzy logic, and speech recognition are only a few of the subsets of AI that have distinctive skills and functions that might enhance the performance of contemporary medical sciences. Biomedical imaging might undergo a revolution thanks to AI, which could increase the efficiency and precision of picture processing and interpretation. Radiologists could miss tiny abnormalities that can be detected by AI systems that have been taught to spot patterns in those pictures that are challenging for humans to interpret. AI may also be used to generate customized medicine by evaluating a patient's medical pictures and other data to customize treatment regimens, as well as to enhance image processing and visualization.
imaging,artificial intelligence,biomedical
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