ISM 2.4 GHz Band Antenna Model for RF Energy Harvesting Systems

European Journal of Science and Technology(2022)

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In today’s world many technological devices can operate with very low power levels. Despite this situation, these devices need to be fed with a sustainable energy source and constantly charged. This low level power need can be attained from ambient electromagnetic waves from any radio frequency sources. Radio frequency energy harvesting systems can be offered to feed these type of devices and these systems have been used in many areas in recent years. In this study, an antenna designment that can be used in RF energy harvesting systems is emphasized. Within the scope of this study, an RF energy harvesting antenna operating at 2.4 GHz frequency has been modeled. The electromagnetic performance and antenna fundamental parameters of the RF energy harvesting antenna are numerically calculated using a commercial 3D based on a transmission line matrix (TLM) and the finite integration technique (FIT). The physical extents of the antenna are 35 x 28 x 1.6 mm. The proposed RF energy harvesting antenna has 2.1 dBi directivty and %98.1 radiation efficiency performance parameters. The antenna proposed here can be have usage areas such as an RF energy harvesting antenna for low-power medical devices, self sustainable wireless devices in Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN) devices.
rf energy harvesting systems,ghz band antenna model
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