
Mental Disorders in People with Keratoconus

Current Problems of Psychiatry(2023)

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Introduction: There are many reports on the association of various psychiatric disorders with visual impairment. The association of dry eye syndrome with depressive disorders has been particularly well documented. In the context of keratoconus patients group, data on similar relationships are inconclusive. Attempts have also been made to assess the personality of patients suffering from keratoconus, and the first study in this area was produced as early as 1976. Material and methods: For the literature review, full-text medical databases, such as PubMed and Embase, were searched for articles on the association of keratoconus with depressive-anxiety disorder and personality disorder. Articles published within the last 30 years were considered. Results: The personality of patients with keratoconus has been a research issue for many years, but research to date has not clearly defined what personality traits characterise this particular group of patients. Research into the relationship between keratoconus and depressive-anxiety disorders has only recently been conducted, and the results - although inconclusive - suggest a co-occurrence of depressive symptoms with keratoconus. A different and interesting field for further research is the association of keratoconus with schizophrenia, as these diseases may have a common background. Conclusions: A review of the literature does not identify a 'keratoconus personality', but there are reports of specific functioning in patients with keratoconus. There are isolated reports in the literature regarding the co-occurrence of keratoconus and depressive-anxiety disorder. Keywords: depression, personality, anxiety, psychiatric disorders, keratoconus
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