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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Awareness Programme on Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Oral Cancer among Construction Site Workers in Gorakhpur, U.P.

Neha Tiwari -, Minu S.R. -, Madhuri -

International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research(2022)

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Oral cancer includes cancers of the mouth and the back of the throat. Oral cancers develop on the tongue, the tissue lining the mouth and gums, under the tongue, at the base of the tongue, and the area of the throat at the back of the mouth. Oral cancer accounts for roughly three percent of all cancers diagnosed annually in the United States, or about 53,000 new cases each year. Oral cancer most often occurs in people over the age of 40 and affects more than twice as many men as women. Most oral cancers are related to tobacco use, alcohol use (or both), or infection by the human papilloma virus. The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of awareness programme on knowledge and attitude regarding oral cancer among construction site workers. The study found that in pretest 56(93.3%) had adequate knowledge, 2(3.3%) had moderate knowledge and 2(3.3%) had inadequate knowledge. After the awareness programme, in posttest 40(66.7%) had adequate knowledge, 16(26.7%) had moderate knowledge and 4(6.7%) had adequate knowledge and none of the participants had average and inadequate knowledge. Paired “t‟ test showed significant increase in the knowledge scores. The mean pretest knowledge scores of participants (24.17) was significantly higher than their mean pretest scores (19.05). The calculated „t‟ value (t=19.56) was greater than the table value at (0.05) level of significant. Similarly, the mean pre-test attitude scores of positive statement was (71.75) and for negative statement it was (12.63) was significantly higher than their mean pretest score positive statement was (60.22) and for negative statement it was (10.72).The calculated t value(13.45) was greater than the table value at (0.05)level of significant and it was concluded that there was highly significant gain in knowledge and attitude regarding oral cancer. There was significant association between religion and pre-test knowledge scores (p<0.05). Awareness program implemented during the study had equipped the workers with better knowledge and attitude regarding oral cancer. Information provided in the program helped the participants to know the various forms of oral cancer and also helped the participant to change their attitude against oral cancer. So there was no association between knowledge scores and attitude scores regarding construction site workers. There was no correlation scores between pre-test knowledge scores and attitude scores. The study concluded that there was an effectiveness of awareness programme on knowledge and attitude regarding oral cancer among construction site workers
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Key words
oral cancer,awareness programme,gorakhpur
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