
Augmented Reality for Improving Skills in Medical Students: A Scoping Review (Preprint)

Mahmud Mahmud,Dwi Cahyani Ratna Sari,Djayanti Sari,Nur Arfian, Muhammad Ary Zucha


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BACKGROUND Medical education is not only gaining theoretical knowledge, but also achieving clinical experiences as clinical skills. Currently, robust development of technology in the digital era has evolved medical learning modalities, such as simulation tools and open-access medical education. Augmented reality is one potential modality that may improve clinical skills learning effectiveness. OBJECTIVE This scoping review aimed to describe the existing research on the use of augmented reality for improving skills in medical students. METHODS This study conducted searches utilizing electronic databases such as PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science in June 2022, and identified articles involving the use of augmented reality for improving skills in medical students. The Rayyan website was used to filter the articles that had met the keywords to be screened with the inclusion criteria which was the use of augmented reality as a learning method in medical students. RESULTS A total of 37 articles met the inclusion criteria. More than 80% of the studies included in this review described that the use of augmented reality (AR) could improve clinical skills of medical students. Articles were classified into two research methods: randomized control trial (RCT) and non-RCT; also, into three topics, AR system, the use of AR in improving various skills, and the use of AR in lumbar facet-related skills. CONCLUSIONS Augmented reality could be used in medical education to improve clinical skills. However, due to limited databases, further studies about the use of augmented reality for improving skills in medical students are still needed.
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