Fragaria spp. (Fragaria indica, Fragaria nubicola)

Himalayan Fruits and Berries(2023)

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The genus Fragaria (Strawberry) contains 25 species worldwide including four species from India (viz., Fragaria nubicola, Fragaria indica, Fragaria bucharica, and Fragaria daltoniana). The fruits of these species are delicious in taste, attractive and natural sources of various nutritional contents (viz. phenolics, phenolic acid, flavonoids, tannins, ellagic acid glycosides, flavonols, proanthocynidins, and benzyl derivatives). The fruits are eaten raw by the local communities of Himalaya as a supplement to their diet and used in folk and traditional medicine system. The leaves have been utilized by different communities as a detoxifying, diuretic agent, stimulant, and curing diarrhea. Earlier studies indicated that regular consumption of these natural bioactive compounds have abilities to reduce the risk of degenerative and neurodegenerative ailments. Currently, several industries (i.e., nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries) are focusing on the preparation of various nutritious & healthy products from the fruits of plants for boosting immunity. Based on available information and literature review, it was indicated that the data on use-value, market demand, and price trends are deficient in strawberries. The data was available only on two species while the information on F. bucharica and F. daltoniana is still lacking and require a detailed study for harnessing true value of plant for appropriate use as well as future sustainability.
fragaria indica,fragaria nubicola
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