An Overview of Blockchain-Based IoT Architectures and Designs

Lecture Notes in Networks and SystemsProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems(2023)

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In recent years there has been an increased interest in the internet of things and blockchain in both industry and academia. The blockchain is quickly becoming an important technology that will fundamentally alter the method in which people exchange information. As a result, the emergence of blockchain technology promises to alleviate many of the issues related to the current centralised IoT data model. However, blockchain and IoT are both emerging technologies, the design issues and architectural styles of blockchain-based IoT systems are still not well explored. It is possible to develop safe IoT systems by utilising various architecture designs and different blockchain systems. However, there are insufficient studies to aid in making architecture design and configuration choices for blockchain-based systems. As a result, we could make improper design decisions and setups that pose additional issues because of this information gap. In trying to rectify this matter, we give a recent literature review analysis on the design of blockchain-based IoT architectures. Specifically, we identify four major components together with their design considerations and obstacles that must be taken into account when developing a blockchain-based architecture for IoT. Then we presented and discussed four typical Blockchain-based IoT architecture styles. Additionally, we discussed the challenges of implementing blockchain-powered IoT services and looked at the challenges associated with each scenario.
iot architectures,blockchain-based
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