
Applying the Framework Method to Qualitative Psychological Research: Methodological Overview and Worked Example

Ruthellen Josselson, Heidi M. Levitt,Imogen Frazer,Catherine Orr,Monica Thielking


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This article is presented in two parts. First, an overview of the Framework Method is given, a contemporary method of qualitative analysis for psychological research. The method's background, distinguishing features, seven steps of data analysis, and suitability to psychological research are discussed. Second, to demonstrate how the method can be applied to a psychological study, a worked example of the analytical steps is detailed. This article aims to (a) demonstrate the utility and appropriateness of the Framework Method for qualitative research in the psychological sciences and (b) support researchers who might consider using this method by providing a worked example to illustrate how this method can be utilized in psychological research. The Framework Method has been widely used in social and public policy-based research, and more recently, health research, but rarely in psychology. It differs from other qualitative approaches due to its emphasis on matrix-based data summary and display, which supports the systematic generation of themes. The Framework Method will be applied to data collected from participants in Australia. The study described in the worked example explored the impact of COVID-19 on parent-adolescent relationships. Across seven steps, the authors explain how data were analyzed, which are followed by a reflective discussion on the use of the method, including strengths and limitations. This article will provide a methodological overview and worked example of the Framework Method for the psychological sciences. It will support psychological researchers to better understand and consider adopting this method in their qualitative research.
Framework Method,qualitative analysis,worked example,thematic analysis
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