
Enriquecimento De Piso Em Gaiolas Flat-Deck Sobre O Bem-Estar De Coelhos De Corte Durante O Verão

Daniel Dutra, Erick Cayllahua, Fábio Ferrari, Marcelo Costa, Ariadne Rein,Gabriel Montanhim,Érika Nayara Cavalcanti,Heloisa Fidelis,Paola Moraes,Hirasilva Borba

Revista Brasileira de Cunicultura(2022)

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the use of body rest on flat-deck cage on the animal welfare of fattening rabbits in summer. 45 Botucatu rabbits, 90 days of age, were individually distributed into three cage groups: with ceramic platform, with porcelain platform and without platform (control). An ethogram was elaborated and divided into four categories: activity, posture, position and portion of the body over the platform. The behavior was recorded by the Scan method for ten days, every 15 minutes, 8 hours/day. Superficial body temperature (SBT) was taken every 60 min and respiratory rate (fR) three times/day (9, 14 and 17h). The temperature and humidity recorded inside the building, during observational period, was 30±4,5oC and 34%, respectively. Animal activity was not influenced by enrichment (p>0.05). However, both enriched platforms conferred higher frequency of rabbits lying with their hind legs extended in comparison to the control group (p <0.05). Control group showed higher frequency of animals lying with their hind legs retracted and lying laterally (p<0.05). The animals remained 75% of the time over any of the evaluated platforms, but the frequencay of rabbits that remained with the hindquarter positioned on the ceramic platform was higher than those on the porcelain platform (p<0.05). SBT was not influenced by the enrichment (p>0.05). fR was higher in cages without platform (p<0.05). Therefore, it is concluded that the enrichment of flat-deck cages, especially with ceramic platform, improves the welfare of fattening rabbits by providing greater physical and thermal comfort during the summer.
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