Phenomenon of bank scams in Bangladesh: Analysis on behavioral issues

International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478)(2022)

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The primary purpose of this research study is to reflect on financial anomalies, especially bank scams in Bangladesh. This study is an empirical approach developed through a well-structured Likert-scaled questionnaire to indicate different human behaviors, psychologies, and emotions that considerably impact financial incongruities in Bangladesh. The proposed model supported the structural equation model (SEM) and used SPSS Amos (Version 24) to build an attitudinal and behavioral model that reflects the complex relationships segment of this paper. Results show people try to rationalize irrational, unethical, and impertinent things and issues to achieve self-gain. Furthermore, corporations are treated as an entity for which they cannot be punished. Apart from this, human natures like greediness, dissatisfaction with what people have, societal status, possession and position, competition with peer groups for luxury, and tendency to imitate bad things are also responsible for bank scams in the Bangladeshi economy. Last but not least bad loan and default culture developed in the banking industry of Bangladesh only lacks execution laws, rules, and regulations.
bank scams,bangladesh,behavioral issues
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