
Effect of Rice Allelochemical, Mulch and Herbicides on Growth of Wheat under Different Crop Establishment Methods

International journal of plant and soil science(2022)

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In India wheat is grown mostly after rice in Rice-wheat system, which effects the establishment of wheat crop because field requirement of both crop is different so there is need of studying other better crop establishment methods for wheat. This experiment was carried out in research farm of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh in split plot design with three replication, where three different crop establishment methods i.e. conventional method, raised bed and zero-till in main plot and in subplot five different weed control practices along with control (weedy check) allotted. From the observation it found that plant height of crop was significantly higher in zero-till plot than conventional and raised bed method. Among weed management practices rice residue as mulch @ 4 t ha-1 fb clodinofop propargyl + metsulfuron @ 100% of recommended dose ( 2-4 leaf stage of weed), Clodinofop propargyl @ 60g a.i. ha-1 + metsulfuron @ 4g a.i. ha-1 , Rice residue as mulch @ 4 t ha-1 fb rice extract (10gL-1) at 2-4 leaf stage of weed , two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS, Clodinofop propargyl @ 75% of recommended dose + rice extract (10gL-1) at 2-4 leaf stage of weed gave significantly higher plant height than weedy check plot. For higher yield, growth of crop must be enhanced so it’s better to go for zero-till sowing for wheat than conventional method.
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