Metal(Oid)S Signature in Sediments of Fjords and Channels of Patagonian Chilean Zone (50° S – 54° S). A Spatial Baseline for a Sustainable Aquaculture

SSRN Electronic Journal(2023)

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Patagonian Chilean Fjords are one of the most pristine regions of the world. However, the southern expansion of the aquaculture activities without an adequate control is a threat to this ecosystem.The content of 10 metals and Arsenic was measured in 26 surface samples collected between 50° S and 54° S, in order to study their spatial distribution and establish a baseline to evaluate the effect of recent and future aquaculture activities.The spatial distribution of metals showed a latitudinal gradient from high concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Al in the north, diminishing to the south. The differences in metal concentrations recorded in sediments of Patagonian Chilean fjords are due to normal variability related to sources and physic-chemical conditions prevailing during transport, deposition and accumulation of particulate and dissolved metals. The aquaculture zones, showed higher concentrations of Ni, Mo and Ti, than those recorded in zones without aquaculture activities.
patagonian chilean zone,sediments,fjords
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