
Reappraisal of Exceptionally Preserved S-Forms, Striae, and Fractures from Late Paleozoic Subglacial Surfaces in Paleofjords, NW Namibia

Abstracts with programs - Geological Society of America(2022)

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Determining the grounded ice dynamics of deep-time glaciations is limited by the scarcity of well-preserved subglacial erosional features and their irregular distribution. In particular, small-scale erosional features known as s-forms that are subglacially sculpted in bedrock by water and/or ice are rarely preserved from the pre-Cenozoic record. A detailed re-examination of two late Paleozoic (late Carboniferous-early Permian) glacially-polished, surfaces at the base of the Dwyka Gp. within paleofjords located in the Kaokoveld region of northwest Namibia reveals a range of erosional features including: complex, multi-directional striae that crosscut each other, crescentic markings, chattermark trails, sinuous furrows, linear furrows, transverse troughs, comma forms, sichelwannen, muschelbruche, cavettos, a pothole, and rock drumlins. The first study location in the Sanitatis paleovalley is previously undescribed and consists of striae and fractures on a polished granite bedrock surface located on the paleovalley floor. Striae, crescentic markings, and chattermark trails indicate ice movement to the west/northwest (striae mean azimuth of 276(degrees)). The second location in the Hoarusib paleovalley was previously described and is located on a multi-level, resistant, quartzite bedrock ridge close to or on the valley wall. This location contains numerous s-forms, striae, and fractures, as well as onlapping glaciogenic sediments, including diamictite plastered within a pothole. Some of these features are superimposed on rock drumlins. These erosional features were likely formed by a combination of pressurized subglacial meltwater and glacial abrasion underneath a glacier as it flowed over and around a resistant bedrock outcrop. Orientations of striae and chattermark trails at the second location indicate a primary direction of ice movement toward the west/northwest (striae modal azimuth of 275(degrees)), a minor secondary movement to the southwest (255(degrees)), and abundant third-order striae indicating ice flow around bedrock obstacles. However, cross-cutting relations suggest the primary and secondary striae orientations are not related to two distinct glacial advances as previously thought. The complex relationships between striae, fractures, and s-forms suggest that a combination of pressure melting, abundant subglacial meltwater, debris-rich basal ice, and variable ice flow paths around resistant obstacles was required to form these features. We conclude that the study locations were overridden by relatively thick (>210 m) warm-based or polythermal glaciers that were confined to a network of fjords as ice receded and stagnated. The glaciers flowed west into present-day Brazil during the late Paleozoic and likely overtopped the paleovalley walls during times of ice maxima.
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