
Time Series Single-Cell Transcriptional Atlases Reveal Cell Fate Differentiation Driven by Light in Arabidopsis Seedlings

Nature Plants(2023)

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Light serves as the energy source for plants as well as a signal for growth and development during their whole life cycle. Seedling de-etiolation is the most dramatic manifestation of light-regulated plant development processes, as massive reprogramming of the plant transcriptome occurs at this time. Although several studies have reported about organ-specific development and expression induced by light, a systematic analysis of cell-type-specific differentiation and the associated transcriptional regulation is still lacking. Here we obtained single-cell transcriptional atlases for etiolated, de-etiolating and light-grown Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Informative cells from shoot and root tissues were grouped into 48 different cell clusters and finely annotated using multiple markers. With the determination of comprehensive developmental trajectories, we demonstrate light modulation of cell fate determination during guard cell specialization and vasculature development. Comparison of expression atlases between wild type and the pifq mutant indicates that phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs) are involved in distinct developmental processes in endodermal and stomatal lineage cells via controlling cell-type-specific expression of target genes. These results provide information concerning the light signalling networks at the cell-type resolution, improving our understanding of how light regulates plant development at the cell-type and genome-wide levels. The obtained information could serve as a valuable resource for comprehensively investigating the molecular mechanism of cell development and differentiation in response to light.
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