How schools are responding to safeguarding and the challenges they face

Protecting and Safeguarding Children in Schools(2022)

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This chapter is the first of three to explore in detail developments in multi-agency safeguarding work from the perspective of schools. It draws on interviews with over 200 staff in 58 schools based in five local authorities across England and one multi-academy trust to chart schools’ adaptation to the increased scope and volume of their safeguarding responsibilities. It first considers the role of Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools and the development of ‘safeguarding teams’ to address schools’ expanding responsibilities. Arrangements for training and support for school staff are discussed, as well as the role of school governors. Next, the chapter reports schools’ experiences of multi-agency working with children’s social care services and their awareness of the work of Local Children’s Safeguarding Boards. Finally, it summarises schools’ responses to their changing role, including in relation to new responsibilities under the Prevent duty, child exploitation, online safety and escalating mental health concerns.
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