Evidence for a Vicious Socio-Emotional Cycle of Negative Emotions and Interpersonal Conflict


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Objective: Interpersonal and emotional functioning are closely linked, and reciprocally influence one another. Contemporary Integrative Interpersonal Theory (CIIT) offers a useful framework to study these patterns. Stress processes offer several candidate targets for empirical investigation with methods that allow for fine-grained analyses in the context of daily life. Method: Four samples of adults (Sample 1 N=145; Sample 2 N=160; Sample 3 N=297; Sample 4=89 dyads, 178 individuals) completed ecological momentary assessment protocols focused on a variety of interpersonal and emotional experiences (Sample 1 Observation N= 14,219; Sample 2 Observation N=8,137; Sample 3 Observation N=5,400; Sample 4 Observation N=5,537). Samples were enriched for aggressive and self-harming behavior (Sample 1), trait hostility (Sample 2), interpersonal problems (Sample 3), and personality disorder features (Sample 4). Results: Using multilevel dynamic structural equation modeling, we investigated how emotions and interpersonal functioning operate over brief timescales in daily life. We found evidence for a normative vicious socio-emotional cycle across all four samples, whereby negative emotions led to interpersonal conflict (i.e., perceptions of and enacting cold, antagonistic, or quarrelsome behavior) which in turn led to increased negative emotions. Although individuals differed in the strength of this process, it was unrelated to trait negative affectivity. Conclusions: Viewing these results through the lens of CIIT, we discuss multiple intervention points highlighted by these dynamic results whereby the vicious cycle can be changed.
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