
Experience of Interventional Cardiology at CHU ''luxembourg'' in Bamako

Cardiology &amp Vascular Research(2022)

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Introduction: In the recent past, it was not possible to treat coronary disease in Mali due to a lack of technical facilities. All our coronary patients were evacuated to the Maghreb, France or the sub-region to receive adequate care. In 2019, the opening of an interventional cardiology room at the University Hospital "Luxembourg" and the training of a team has allowed the local management of a good number of Malians and foreigners suffering from coronary pathology. We report here the results of 30 months of activities. Methodology: We performed a perspective analysis of coronary angiograms and angioplasties performed in our center from September 2019 to February 2022. Clinical, paraclinical including angiographic data were collected and analyzed. Results: Between September 2019 and February 2022, 670 patients underwent coronary angiography, 262 of whom were followed by angioplasty. Male gender was predominant (72.6%), a sex ratio of 2.62. The mean age was 59 years and the 46-65 age group was the most dominant (50.24%). High blood pressure was the main cardiovascular risk factor (33.8%). Chronic coronary syndrome was the most frequent indication (59.8%) followed by coronary syndromes (38.3%). The radial route was used in 98%. Coronary angiography was pathological in 69%. Multitruncular lesions were predominant (35.5%) followed by monotruncular (32.8%). 39.10% of our patients underwent angioplasty. Complications were minimal (3%) and mortality was 2.03%. Conclusion: In our developing countries, we are witnessing an epidemiological transition with the decrease in infectious diseases and the emergence of non-communicable diseases, particularly coronary diseases. Their management requires an adequate technical platform, qualified human resources, and multidisciplinary collaboratio
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