Relationship between Adversity Quotient and Mastery Goal Orientation with Independence of Career Decision at Industry 4.0 in Vocational Students

Muhammad Firman Ristiawansyah,Setiadi Cahyono Putro,Yuni Rahmawati

Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan(2022)

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Vocational students as prospective workers are important to have independence of career decision at industry 4.0 (Y) so that can keep up and compete with the era. Adversity quotient (X1) and mastery goal orientation (X2) are needed as aspects that support independence of career decision at industry 4.0 (Y). This study aims to determine: (1) description of Y, X1, and X2; (2) relationship of X1 with Y; (3) relationship of X2 with Y; and (4) relationship of X1 and X2 with Y. This research is an Ex Post Facto using quantitative research methods. The reliability levels of the Y, X1, and X2 variable questionnaires are 0.846, 0.872, and 0.880, respectively. The effective contribution of X1 is 33.8%, X2 is 42.8% and the relative contribution of X1 is 44.1% and X2 is 55.9%. The conclusions of this study are: (1) X1, X2, and Y levels are in the high category; (2) there is a positive and partially significant relationship between X1 and Y, X2 and Y, and X1 and X2 simultaneously with Y.
mastery goal orientation,career decision,goal orientation,industry
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