Moisture Control System in Mustard Plants Using the PID Method

Enny Indasyah, Robiq Abiyyu Sadid,Fauzi Imaduddin Adhim,Fivitria Istiqomah, Rizqi Putri Nourma Budiarti

Applied Technology and Computing Science Journal(2022)

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Irrigating paddy fields is a very important process for plant growth. When the process of irrigating rice fields is carried out by means of continuously flowing water and the soil moisture value is only based on estimates, there are many possibilities for the moisture value not to be measured where this causes the plants to take a long time to grow and the plants will rot or fail to harvest if the humidity value is too high. So a final project was designed with the title Humidity Control System in Mustard Plants Using the PID Method. The way this system works is by placing 5 humidity sensors at five different points to read soil moisture values ​​and each sensor is connected to the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller. The controller used in this irrigation system is Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) to get humidity values according to the needs of the plant. The design and construction of an automatic irrigation system in this study was successfully carried out using the PID method, the corresponding Kp parameter values ​​for the system were obtained, namely Kp = 4.328, Ki = 2.634, and Kd = 3.217. This automatic irrigation system can reach the moisture point of the mustard plant, which is 60% with a steady state error of 0.387% and a rise time 79 seconds. The test was carried out for 7 days and by comparing the average plant height in the manual watering area and the automatic watering area. The average growth of plant height in the manual watering area and the automatic watering area has a difference of 1.2 cm. Because this system only focuses on water irrigation where plants also need other nutrients for growth besides water.
mustard plants,pid method
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